Become a member or sponsor

Become a member of the association behind Ærø Jazz Festival

Support the good work that the association behind Ærø Jazz Festival does to continuously spread jazz on Ærø.

  • Personal membership costs: DKK 125. annually.
  • Household membership costs: DKK 200. annually.
  • Company membership costs: DKK 300. annually.

You can sign up as follows:

  1. Pay via mobilepay at no. 250290 (Ærø Jazzfestival)

Type your email in the message field.

  1. Or deposit the amount into bank account: Rise Flemløse Sparekasse 0847 account 0000176117

Remember to write your name and e-mail on the transfer.

If you have any questions regarding registration, you are welcome to contact us at


If you want to be a sponsor, there are a lot of opportunities.

On Ærø we help each other and sponsorships and collaborations are an important part of the festival and at the same time ensure that Ærø buzzes with jazz atmosphere in week 31. Sponsorships are available in different editions. Write to and inquire more about the options below:

Main music sponsor
Large logo on website + logo on program banner on DGV + sign on Shipyard + 10 *bracelet. – 10.000 kr.
One concert is chosen and is mentioned separately as a music and main sponsor. There will be a mention on the SoMe campaign in connection with the concert. At the presentation during the festival, one is also mentioned.

Main sponsorships
Large logo on website + logo on program banner on DGV + sign at Shipyard + 5 * Bracelet – 5.000 kr.

Logo on website – 500 kr.
Logo on website + sign at Shipyard – 1000 kr.
Logo on website + sign at Værft + Street The parade in Ærøskøbing comes by you and plays a few songs – 2000 kr.

Gifts and donations
All are mentioned on the website with logo as well as in smaller posts on facebook

Do you also want to be a partner

Give benefits to bracelet holders and we’ll send guests in your direction.
If you have jazz events, we mention your event on the website.

Write to and inquire more about bracelet benefits and cooperation.


You can sign up for our newsletter here